1. Every student must be acquainted with all the rules and regulations of the Omkara Hostel. They must observe them strictly. Ignorance of rules will not be considered as an excuse. Violation of accommodation rules will make the student liable to disciplinary action including permanent expulsion from the Hostel.
  2. Accommodation is provided with the understanding that the resident students will strictly abide by the Rules & Regulations, currently in force or as may be enforced from time to time. Accommodation cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
  3. The Hostel Management reserves the right to revise the rules and regulations from time to time and will keep the inmates informed of any changes in the form of notices on the Notice Board. Ignorance of rules will not be accepted as an excuse.
  4. The students should carry their ID card at all times within the Hostel Premises and produce it on demand by any of the Hostel Authorities.
  5. The students should lock their room properly when they go out for food, College etc.
  6. No inmates are allowed to engage a private servant or pet animals.
  7. Penalty for violation of Rules & Regulations will be decided by the Hostel Authorities considering the severity of the offense / violation of rules / act of indiscipline. Fine / penalty amount will be deducted from the Security Deposit. If cumulative fine exceeds Rs.1,500/- for an Academic Year, the student will not be considered in merit for the next year’s accommodation.
  8. The Hostel Management reserves the right to make spot checks in any rooms without having to give any prior notice to the student.
  9. Any student; who finds his / her room-mate missing for more than 24 hours without information, must report to the Hostel Management immediately. This is to enable immediate action if any untoward incident has taken place. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
  10. In case of any emergency, please contact the Security Guards / Warden / Hostel Administration.


  1. The Hostel Management may refuse accommodation to any student who is known to have grossly violated Rules or whose presence is likely to disturb the peace and tranquility of accommodation.
  2. A student once admitted in the Omkara Hostel, will continue to be an Omkara inmate throughout the academic year unless otherwise debarred on disciplinary grounds and will have to pay the 100% annual rentals in advance for the full academic year by 15th June, before the new Academic year starts w. e. f. 1st July every year.


  1. Individual cooking is not permitted. The students are not allowed to cook anything in their rooms.
  2. Students are not allowed to bring any kind of OUTSIDE FOOD items within the hostel. We have made arrangements for canteen, which may be utilized or if the Students must take outside food, then they are advised to keep it outside hostel premises.


  1. Every student should stay in the allocated room. Mutual exchange of rooms after allocation is not allowed. However, only the Administration may allow as a special case on valid and reasonable grounds. Violation of this rule will be considered as an act of gross misconduct and entail appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion and imposition of monitory fine.
  2. The students are not permitted to change rooms or sleep anywhere other than in the room and bed allocated to them.


  1. Students are prohibited from consuming / or entering the Hostel after consuming; alcoholic drinks, drugs, cigarettes, any kind of tobacco products or any other intoxicants inside the Hostel. Any student found in possession of such things or consuming such thing or in a drunken state within the Hostel Premises will render himself liable for strict disciplinary action, including expulsion / rustication from the Hostel.
  2. No student should keep any fire-arms, lethal weapons, poisonous things or intoxicants of any kind in the Omkara Hostel. In such cases offender(s) will be handed over to Police immediately.
  3. Students must not take law into their own hands, but must report all disputes to the Warden/Administration. In such cases offender(s) will be handed over to Police immediately.
  4. All kinds of shouting, fighting, gambling, stealing, violent knocking, maltreating or abusing are strictly prohibited and will be considered for appropriate disciplinary action including expulsion and imposition of monitory fine.
  5. Making loud noises, disturbing others, pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking, drilling, slogans of any kind or defacing the property in any form is not allowed. Any act against this shall be taken as offence, and action will be taken against such students.
  6. Students are prohibited from screening / keeping obscene literature / videos. Any violation in this regard will result in disciplinary action.
  7. Formation of association of students on the basis of regions, caste or creed is not permitted, during their stay in the Hostel.
  8. Ragging in any form is a cognizable offence and severely punishable as per the Supreme Court directives leading to expulsion from the Hostel and the disciplinary action may culminate in his expulsion from the Institute as well. The Hostel administration may report incidents of ragging to the Police for taking appropriate action under the law.


  1. All the students shall vacate the Hostel rooms before they leave for the annual summer vacations so that annual maintenance / repairs etc. can be carried out. Usually this activity is taken up between 15TH to 30TH June every year. In between the year Students should co-operate with the management for any repairs etc.


  1. All the Omkara Hostel articles (Room/Cupboard/Drawer keys, A/C Remote, ID Cards etc) issued to the students at the time of admission should be returned before students leave for annual vacations. They will be responsible for any loss.
  2. Lost ID Cards will be replaced @Rs.200/- each time, lost Room Keys are chargeable @Rs.1,500/- and lost cupboard/drawer keys are chargeable @Rs.500/- per instance & A/C Remote is chargeable @Rs.1,500/- per pc.
  3. Room furniture, electric fittings and A/C Remotes are required to be maintained by the inmates in good condition. At the time of allotment of room and leaving the hostel for the summer vacation, every student must take-over and hand-over, respectively, the hostel property carefully.
  4. In case of damage to any part of the Hostel building, furniture, Electrical fittings, apparatus or other property, caused by inmates, the loss shall be recovered from the persons identified as responsible for such damage. However, if the persons causing damage cannot be identified, the cost of repairing the same as may be assessed will be distributed equally amongst all the inmates or group of inmates.


  1. Students shall not remain absent from the Hostel after 10:00PM, without the prior permission of their parents on the OMKARA HOSTEL Mobile App ( stel.omkara). The app credentials are communicated thru SMS at the time of admission confirmation OR can be retrieved from office on request.
  2. All students need to apply for leave on OMKARA HOSTEL APP in prescribed format in advance, and should be duly approved by their parents.


  1. The inmates are supposed to take care of their health themselves. Students suffering from infectious disease should leave for medical treatment to proper clinic / hospital or isolated place.
  2. In case of need for hospitalization, students should inform their parents / guardians. Parents / guardians should communicate with the Hostel Administration in this regard.
  3. All cases of illness should be reported immediately to the Warden/Administration.


  1. Visitors (Only Parents) are allowed only into the Common Area of the Hostel i.e. Ground Floor.
  2. Students are not permitted to invite any outside person to address any meeting in the Hostel without permission of the Hostel Administration.
  3. Visitors are not permitted to stay overnight in the room of the students. A b


  1. The use of Electric Heater, Immersion Rod, Hot Plate, Cook Top, Kettle, Iron, TV, VCR, CD / DVD Player, oven and any other similar appliance is prohibited. Keeping electric appliances as mentioned above, in the rooms is also prohibited. Any such item found in the room, will be confiscated by Hostel Administration.
  2. Inmates are warned against tampering with electric installation & for all repairs the appropriate Hostel Administration should be informed.


  1. Students, in their own interest, are advised NOT TO KEEP EXCESS CASH OR ANY VALUABLES in their rooms. They are cautioned to be very careful about safety of their belongings. They should close their rooms securely when they leave the room even for short periods or when they are sleeping. The Hostel authorities shall not be responsible for the loss of such items due to theft or otherwise. However, in the case of theft, the matter should be immediately reported to the Hostel Administration and Security Officer.
  2. THE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. All students are strongly advised to lock all their valuables e.g. mobile phones, tablets, pendrive, chargers, headphones, Bluetooth speakers, laptops, watches, money and any other valuables at all times.

Any complaints, suggestions or enquiries are always welcome. I have read and understood all the rules and regulations stated above. I confirm my compliance to all the rules and regulations stated above.
Name of the Student: ___________________________________
Signature: _______________________
Name of the Parent: ___________________________________
Signature: _______________________
Date: ______________ Place: ______________